The Impact of Online Classes On Student’s Academic Performance

How did the concept of online classes evolve and took a strike?
Education is a significant part of each of our lives, but who knew that the students would have to change their mode of education unsystematically because of a virus? No one! I’m sure. The covid-19 virus left the world in a sudden shock which led everything upside down. This not only gave enormous mental stress to the people but also forced them to change their everyday lifestyles. The people had to adapt to the new normal, which was a very challenging task. The scenario of online education emerged incredibly after the occurrence of the pandemic. The students had no conception they would have to learn from home instead of school. It was not an easy task for the students as the whole set of online learning was very new for them.
After evaluating several ideas, online learning suddenly emerged to become one of the most effective ways of imparting education. The virus has so severely impacted the human lifestyle that online education has become a pervasive part of student life. The virus spread and led to the closure of schools and colleges with no physical interaction. Because of the enhancement in technology and availability of the same with students, many schools shifted to learning online. Due to the long-living pandemic, the education scenario took a drastic change leading the students to accept online learning as their new normal. This impacted the academic performance of the students, as well as many could adapt to the new change very quickly, where many took time. Making themselves comfortable and effective in the online learning setting was also a big deal for the students. There were indeed vast impacts of this system on the students in both good and bad manners which affected the academic performances of the students.
Impacts of online learning on the student’s academic performance
Positive impacts
· More time with family: The students had never imagined that they had to sit at home to take regular cases, but by doing so, they had indeed gotten a great chance to spend more time with family. When at home, the students are surrounded by their own family members, which has helped many students learn a lot. When at home, the students could get more time with family, which enhanced their academic performance. The care and nourishment provided to the students by the family are unmatchable, which motivates the students to do better academically.
· Accessibility: When in the offline learning setting, the students were forced to stay in the class and study, but when in the online setting, the students got the freedom of studying from every corner of the world. There had been times when the students couldn’t go to school because of heavy rains, extreme cold and hot. But these factors get automatically cancelled out when in an online setting as the students can study from home, café or even in a different city or country. The students could also connect with the best assignment experts, as they had access to and the right to research the finest for themselves. This not only helped them enhance the quality of their assignments but also allowed them to learn more.

· Multitasking: When at school, the students were restricted to completing only one task at a time, whether participating in co-curricular events or taking lectures, but when in the online setting, the students could perform multiple tasks simultaneously. This has increased the efficiency of the students as they could manage to complete several tasks in a limited time frame. Also, the freedom to explore more about their talents and still learn online has helped the students enhance their academic performance. It was analysed that approximately 45% of the students enrolled on several other skill-building courses along with the regular online classes at the time of the pandemic.
· Better planning and time management: When at school, the students get a particular schedule they are supposed to follow, and there are pre-decided lectures that the students must actively attend. But when in the online learning setting, the students got the chance to manage their learning and timing in their own way. This is because they got the freedom of time. The students could develop the skill of better time management when studying online. They could comprehend to manage all their tasks on time and actively attend the classes as well. With good management, students could also learn better and enhance their academic performance.
· Excellent understanding of technology: At school, the students only came across some software, but when they had to totally study online, they could learn about much new software and could enhance their knowledge of technology. The students had no option to compromise the quality of their education when at home and writing low-quality assignments, making it a compulsion for them to understand the technology very well and efficiently apply it as well. The understanding of technology has not only helped the students learn about the subjects more effectively but also learned about them from several new perspectives.
Negative impacts
· Extended screen time: Indeed, online learning was not an easy change to adapt to, but students managed it somehow. Unfortunately, the biggest con of online learning was that the students had to spend a lot of time of theirs on screen. It was analysed that many students had to get spectacles after taking online classes for just two months. The harsh UV rays released by the screen impacted the eyes and the eyesight of the students badly. Especially the young students had to bear a significant loss because of learning online. This even affected the student’s health and academic performance. Issues like pain in yes, sudden tears and blurring eyesight were the most commonly analysed problems. This also impacted the students’ studies because they could not concentrate much on studies because of headaches etc.

Total cut from the outside world: The most significant loss to the students because of online learning was that they got cut from the outside world. They could not meet friends and socialise, which impacted their skills like communication, leadership, teamwork etc. Even the students who did very well at the university and were hyperactive had to seek online assignment help because of a lack of access to resources and peers. The students take the hugest guidance and help from their seniors and professors, who are not readily available at all times to guide them.
· Internet connectivity: The Internet plays the most prominent role in online learning. This is because learning online was not a possible deal without the involvement of the Internet. Using the Internet didn’t really do great for all because there were many connectivity and internet issues faced by the students when learning online. The students had to manage attending sessions with a broken internet connection, unclear audio-video and fluctuating connections. This led to a significant loss in students’ academic performance as they missed specific important sessions leading them to lose grades on the tests and the exams.
· Not much importance to the curriculum: When the students study by themselves, they tend to not give much importance to the curriculum. There are a lot of times when they do not follow the assigned curriculum effectively. They may be occupied with several tasks and may keep postponing their studies, negatively impacting their academic performance.
Both online and offline learning helped the students study and continue with education even during the pandemic. There are several benefits and limitations of both online and offline learning. Where offline learning promotes more socialising and on-ground activities, online learning promotes multitasking and exploration of newer opportunities. Indeed, both are exuberant with their own advantages, but it has also impacted the student’s academic performances. Many could not adapt online learning to be the new normal, whereas many made the best use of the opportunities conformed to them while learning online.
Author bio
Hello readers, I am Antonio Williamson, an expert assignment helper who retired during the pandemic strike. I realised that the children around me were vastly impacted by the sudden lockdown and could not really do well. Even the brilliant student’s performances went down. Many even approached me to take guidance with their assignments because of a lack of resources and inaccessibility to offline sources. I have written this blog according to my evaluation of the student’s presentations and the impact of online classes on their academic performance.